Thursday, March 24, 2011

Word Worm

Match the words with their definitions!
(answers appear below)

1) Mileu                           a) a flat, dull remark uttered as if it were profound
2) Platitude                      b) elevation to divine status
3) Taciturn                       c) a man whose chief interest is seducing women
4) Apotheosis                  d) suggestive of an uncle, especially in kindness
5) Lothario                       e) associated with nausea and vomiting
6) Oeuvre                         f) slow and gloomy
7) Avuncular                    g) reserved in speech
8) Saturnine                     h) the setting in which something occurs
9) Bilious                          i) a nickname
10) Sobriquet                   j) the works of an artist regarded collectively

Garage Rap

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

From Here to There

I'm here
I'm there
I'm here, I'm there
I'm here, I'm there, I'm somewhere else
I'm here
I'm there

Monday, March 14, 2011

Visual AIDS

“I should read a potboiler like The Da Vinci Code every once in a while, just to remind myself that life is too short to read books like The Da Vinci Code.”

-Roger Ebert

The dude from Black Flag

If you say RIP in a Facebook status, it should be the only acronym in the status.

An agenda is a to-do list; an agendum is an item on the agenda.

Intelligence test results are skewed because they are only based on people who took the test in the first place.

TRUE FACT:  When Bob Hope was on his deathbed, his wife asked him where he wanted to be buried.  He said “Surprise me.”

There is a school of thought that claims that hypnosis does not cause the subject to enter a distinct hypnotic mental state, but rather relies on behavioral factors such as social role-perception, hyper-suggestibility, and conditioned inhibition in order to produce desired results. 

“How’s it coming?” often refers to a specific task, whereas “How’s it going?” is more general.


Internet users used to be satiated with just one window at a time.  Now we have the ability to open up multiple tabs.

My art is a lack thereof.

Does anyone consistently refrain from speeding solely out of respect for the law?

A lot of hip-hop artists claim that they are the “best rapper alive” or the “greatest of all time.”  Show, don’t tell.

I like the word livid because it means angry but it sounds happy.  Irked sounds irked.  Audio technicians sound check.

When I don’t know a word and type it into Google, I’m always relieved when the definition pops up on top.  That means I’m not the only one.

Abbey Road Rooftop

Music to listen to:
  • "Broken Bells" by Broken Bells
  • "Cosmogramma" by Flying Lotus
  • "The Main Ingredient" by Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth
  • "Summerteeth" by Wilco
  • "Reservoir" by Fanfarlo

 “We all know that, so why complain?  Was it not always thus and will it not always thus remain?”

-Albert Einstein