Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Beauty in the Banality

dribble (unfinished)

ble drib
ble downthecourt
ball from hand to hand.
i pass the ball
he hands it off
ble drib
ble. pass; a toss
i get the ball

Monkey Business

Better safeish than sorryish.

“Clint Eastwood” by the Gorillaz is called that because it samples the theme from “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.”

If I drink a glass of water after eating a pretzel, it quenches my thirst.  If I drink a glass of water before eating a pretzel, I’m thirsty after I finish the pretzel.  What’s going on here?

RFD:  The earliest written evidence of a collapsible umbrella dates back to 23 CE when Chinese Emperor Wang Mang used one on his cartridge.  Jesus got wet in the rain.

I would like to watch Kanye West and Bon Iver have a conversation about being stuck in traffic.

New Jersey casinos are not permitted to kick someone out because he is counting cards.

There’s no present like time.

“The African-American genome is about 80% African ancestry and 20% European ancestry.”

My thoughts constantly turn to infinite regress.  I’ll start thinking about something, like the fact that I’m thinking about thinking about something, and then I’ll think about that… You see what I mean.

Young Kerouac thought poetry was for pussies.

Bullshit Makes Money

Monday, August 8, 2011

Faux Gopher Fur

In The Mind’s I, Daniel Dennett shares a reductio ad absurdum that Galileo created.  I will do my best to paraphrase it:

Premise:  Heavy objects fall faster than light objects (relative to each other)

1.       If a heavy object (x) and a light object (y) are attached by a string and dropped off a tower, y will act as a drag to x, since it falls slower
2.       X will fall slower when it is attached to y
3.       However, when x and y are attached together, they create a new object (z)
4.       Z, which is heavier than x and y individually, will fall faster than x
5.       Z cannot fall both faster and slower than x, because this is a contradiction

Conclusion:  The premise is invalid

Bob Dylan sells out

Black & white photos will have a different sense of nostalgia in the future.

Cleanliness is next to godliness, which is cool, but sometimes it gets confusing.  Like the other day I went to the gym and worked out for about an hour.  Afterwards, I meant to take a shower but ended up at church.  

Machiavelli’s “The Prince” is a satire.

The Dream Theater greatest hits cd is four and a half hours long.

No food is better than our food.

Millions of people find Jesus every year.  It’s amazing how often this guy gets lost.

Random Fact of the Day (RFD):  The first Gideon’s Bible was placed in a hotel room in Superior, Montana.

It kinda pisses me off when people apologize for slavery.  Unless they’re reformed slavemasters, in which case it’s the right thing to do.

Mellifluous is autological.

Which is harder- brain surgery or rocket science?

Sometimes the destination is more important than the journey.  Like going to the ER.

The Richie Jackson of BMXing