Saturday, December 26, 2009


The Struggle to Right Oneself

Oh, and the middle (about 3:20 in) of "No Woman, No Cry" sounds like the chorus of "Farmhouse."

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Panda Bear is the new Brian Wilson

Young of Heart by Neil Gold

Even Jam by Pearl Flow

Floyd and Us by Pink Them

Enemy Noise by Bring the Public

The Radio Machine by Against Guerilla

Red Ground Peppers by Higher Hot Chili

Swing Against Life by Rise Away

Anarchy Sex by Pistols in the U.K.

Miller Like Band Fly by An Eagle, Steve

Of the Sublime Ballad by Johnny Butt

Sugar Every Morning by Ray

The Rising of Animals by The Sun House

Our House by Crosby, Stills, Young , & Nash

Dog Days by The Old Dr.

My Mind in James by Taylor Carolina

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Uh, yeah...

So who is Richard Egg anyway?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Things I Missed From Back Home

• Wawa
• Toilet paper that doesn’t feel like sand paper
• Showers without wearing flip flops
• Free food that is available after 7pm on weekends
• And this:

“It doesn't matter if you're a Jew or a long as you believe in Christ.”

Monday, November 23, 2009

Just a thought...

If a heroin addict got amensia, would he still crave heroin?
And if he still had a craving, would he know that it was for heroin?
And if he didn't know it was for heroin, would that drive him crazy?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


"Can I be electric, too?"

David, Not Hussein

Just a few thoughts in my notepad...

Illegal does not imply immoral

Random acts of science

If you can't tickle yourself how come you can masturbate?

Create an electronic shirt that displays the song you are listening to on your ipod

I like the second definition of realize

Hook gym excercise equipment up to a generator for free electricity

There are some people that have been famous their whole lives and don't know how to not be famous

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Beyond Belief 2

It took me about twelve hours to type up the last Beyond Belief, so this time around I will give you three condensed stories. Once again, one is true and two are made up.


I waited in line for 2 hours to get a ticket to see the White Stripes and then realized that I left my wallet back in the dorm room.


Walking through the mall, I was picked to be in a focus group for Stride's new gum. I got paid $20 to chew three flavors and pick the one that I liked best.


I congratulated Maury from the The Maury Show and he patted my shoulder. I then shook hands with his wife, news reporter Connie Chung.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Check out the Sporcle quiz I made today.


≈ ≈ = and ≈ = ≈

Thursday, November 5, 2009

"She got jumper cable lips
She got sunset on her breath"

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Beyond Belief (Take One)

So this is the first edition of Beyond Belief. The following are three stories. One actually happened to me over the past week and two are completely made up. You decide!


On Monday I wore my bright orange shirt and jeans. After class, I went to the Quiznos right off of campus. I grabbed my roast beef hoagie and ate it on the curb in front of the store. Mid-bite, a scruffy fourty-something year-old yelled at me to put my helmet back on and get back to work. I laughed and told him that I was just a college student and that I had no idea what he was talking about. Word for word, he then said, "Get up and quit fuckin' around kid. We got work to do." The man then got a phone call. His ringtone was "Run This Town" by Jay-Z. He answered it hastily and walked away.

I got up and finished my hoagie while I was walking. When I turned around the corner, I saw an open manhole and about 12 people wearing bright orange shirts and helmets. As I approached campus, I turned around to see the man running after me desperately. "Where are you going?" he asked with a fierceness that nearly made me regurtitate my roast beef. "Back to campus. I told you I'm a student. I don't work for you!" Just then, "Run This Town" began to play. I was saved by the bell (or, in this case, the crappy Jay-Z song). The man answered his phone but this time, he did not walk away.

"Yeah, Gary, I'm glad you called. I got a code 44 at construction zone two-one-two." There was a pause. The man listened intently. At this point I was very nervous and took the pause as a queue to escape. I turned around and sprinted towards campus, which was now about 100 feet away. The man ran after me, but I was faster. "This is completely ridiculous," I thought. I used my student ID to get into a building and ran to the bathroom, as if it was the safest place to go. I haven't seen that guy since.


Over the weekend, my friends and I went to the city to see "Where The Wild Things Are." After the movie, we headed back to campus via the subway. When we got off to change trains, a middle-aged man (call him Joe) began to strike up a conversation with us. Over the course of this exchange, he tried to sell us drugs, gave my friend the nickname "Shoes" (because he was wearing shoes, and my other friend and I were wearing sandals), and tried to hook "Shoes" up with a couple girls by sweet-talking them.

Another man (call him John) at the station overheard our conversation and tried to comfort Shoes by assuring us that the guy the girls were with was gay. Our train came, and my friends and I, John, Joe, and the girls and their male friend (call him Bill) got on. John began to antagonize Bill about being gay. "If you're a homo, you can't hide it. You gotta be open with it." Bill was wearing a shirt that said "Legalize Gay."

It began to transform into a display of homophobia. Then, a teenage girl stood up and started to yell at John. "Don't be messin' with him! He gotta right to be gay!" She got louder and closer to Bill, until Bill pulled out a knife. "I don't got a problem with cuttin' a nigga up. I cut up a goat once and hung it by its neck." Luckily, Joe stood up and brought the girl to her senses before John lost his cool.

A minute later, a self-described "educated female" began to lecture Bill about the senselessness of violence. She worked at a hospital and had to (literally) stitch together the problems that people like Bill caused daily. The situation switched to an almost 7th Heaven-like moral. As a denoument, Joe asked me out of all the girls on the train, who I was most interested in. I jokingly said I'd have to take them each out to dinner and turn on some Luther Vandross to figure out who I was really into.


Yesterday we began to decorate our dorms for Halloween. There were a bunch of different tasks that needed to be done, so naturally I volunteered to cut out the vampire bats. I soon realized that cutting out each bat individually was a waste of time; piling all of the vampire bats together and then just cutting once would be much faster. The first few edges were a bit difficult to cut because of the pressure required to slice through 50 pages. However, it began to get easier.

The TV in the lounge was on and it was playing "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." I soon got lost into the plot of the show. After all, that green man can get pretty mesmerizing. By commercial break, I realized I had managed to cut directly through the neck of the vampire bats accidentally. The RA yelled at me, as I had wasted all 50 vampire bats. She assigned me to blow up balloons.

Surely I could not screw this up. I began to inflate each balloon with pure Ari breath. Meanwhile, my friends were back at the table cutting out pumpkins. Eventually, I got bored and tried to inhale the air that I had jut exhaled into one of the balloons. It felt like I had been kicked by Spiderman in the lungs. I doubled over and started gasping in pain. The RA asked me if I could breathe. In a frenzy, I screamed back, "No!"

The paramedics were called and I was hurried to the medical center. The doctor in the urgent care section took off my shirt and began giving me chest compressions. After a few minutes and a near-blackout, I awoke feeling clearer than ever. I went back to the dorm and finished my homework.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Econ Class

"I'm not flying, I'm falling with style."

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Welcome to "Sitting in the Park." Coming up with a good blog name took a lot longer than it should have. (You can make fun of me if you want). Who would have thought that "Metanoia," "I Am A Strange Loop," and "AriM" would have all been taken? Anyway, I'll try to update this about once or twice a week, but that might change depending on how much time I have on my hands. On this blog I'll be talking about life, liberty, and the "Pursuit of Happiness ft. MGMT and Ratatat."

Every week or so I will have a segment called "Beyond Belief" where I will give you three short narratives; two of which are fictional, and one of which will have actually happened to me since the previous segment. It is up to the reader to determine which one is true, and which are beyond belief.

I hope this blog will be a way for me to kill some time between classes, express some of my thoughts so they can stop cluttering my head and cell phone notepad, and possibly stay in touch with everyone who I don't get to see as often as I'd like to.