Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hodge Podge

When I first started out playing music, all of my songs were 60 bpm, because a clock is cheaper than a metronome.

A goal of mine: Personally put water from the Pacific Ocean in the Atlantic Ocean, and vice versa.

Quote of the Week: "Kyle, bring me home some smoothies."

And lastly, a quote: "It's not where you take things from - it's where you take them to."

Sunday, January 17, 2010

QOTW (Round 2)

"When you go to heaven, God gives you all the balloons you lost when you were alive."

and a runner up just for the hell of it:

"It seems like you guys smoke whenever you're bored."
"No, we smoke whenever we're not high."

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Facebook Thoughts

"Disney World is a people trap operated by a mouse."

Saturday, January 9, 2010


And now for a new segment that I will try to update every week, but will probably die out after the first week or two, much like "Beyond Belief." It is called "Quote of the Week" (or QOTW). I will give a quote that I heard at some point during the course of the week, but the person who said it will remain anonymous.

To kick things off, I will start with two (unrelated) quotes (because I am so excited that I couldn't possibly limit myself to just one).

"I'll take my wife with me but I'll leave the onions at home."

"Eight ounces of ricotta! Why is that so problematic?"

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Post Nasal Drip: A Stream of Consciousness

Well I’ll go to town with the post nasal drip
And the tip of the hat, can you imagine that?
Human by vocation, robot by avocation
What’s the situation?
I’ve got roots growing out of my feet
Now that’s pretty neat!
The cat’s in the cradle like a rabbit with a dreidel
I can bobble, I can dabble, I can hibbity-hobbity travel
“Faithful I” said the coach
“Woe is me” said the lady
And maybe, just maybe, I can figure out this TV remote control
I’m remotely controlled
With a temper overload
The lines are short and the days are long
I can barely remember last December
But I sure as hell can leave my mind behind
As I try to time my landing
Even God is handy
And my fingers are starting to prune
A bit too soon
And though I’d sacrifice a life to live
I’d give a lung just to become
Myself for a day
I’ve said too much to behave

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


A couple Jeopardy videos:

And a Jeopardy haiku:

Give me the answer
And I'll give you the question
That's how this game works

Send your own Jeopardy haiku to to get yours published on the site!!!!