Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Confusion Counselor

How often do libraries get rid of books?  Theoretically, they have to eliminate books at the same rate as they acquire them (or physically expand their space).  Whose job is it to pick what books get the cabash?  And what do they do with the losers?

Hugh Hefner purchased the crypt space to be buried next to Marilyn Monroe.

Why do you make small talk?  Why don’t you just do it?

Until the 1970s, many states had “Ugly Laws” prohibiting ugly people from appearing in public.

It’s always breaking news when a celebrity dies.  It’s never breaking news when a celebrity is born.

According to a 2003 study conducted at the University of Florida, more of retail store’s inventory is lost due to employee theft than to shoplifting.

If songs are ice, Girl Talk is water.

I enjoy reading YouTube video comments, but I’ve never been bored enough to register a YouTube account and actually comment on a video (okay, I have been that bored but I've never actually done it).  Have you ever listened to a song on YouTube and the video is just a slideshow of photos of the band?  The comments are always fascinating.  “I especially enjoyed the photos.”  “Thanks.”  It makes my day everytime.

How do they estimate how many words are in the English language?

There haven’t been any really famous redheads besides Lucy and Carrot Top.

Regarding species in the animal kingdom, there is a positive correlation between number of mating partners and size of testicles.

In the future, water will cost money at restaurants because of a world-wide water shortage.

Teachers tell us that the meaning of particular poem, song, or other piece of art is not conclusive.  Rather, it is to be determined by the person viewing the art.  It is true that art reflects life in the fact that the meaning of the latter, too, is subjective.  This, however, is not commonly taught at school.

Do bald Sikhs still wear the religious headdress?  How?

“Pontificate” refers to the office of the Pope or bishop.

“Midas Touch” and “mustachio’d” are anagrams.


“People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.”

"I think in a few years there will be Reality TV Anonymous self-help groups."

“I will not die.  It’s the world that will end.”

“I think the reason I like politics is just because it’s like another sport.”

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