Friday, March 16, 2012

I Feel Like An Unmade Bed

This is my 100th SITP blog post.  Damn.  I created this blog freshman year, sitting in the common room of The Ocho because a few friends made blogs also.  I never thought that I would keep this going for 2 1/2 years, but I'm really glad that I did.  Looking back at my earlier entries is like opening up a short-term time capsule and discovering a photo of myself when I had long grimy hair.  Actually, I still have long grimy hair.  But I think I'm gonna cut it tomorrow because I'm about to head to Croatia for spring break, and I heard that the cool Croatians all have short hair.

I just re-read the previous paragraph and am in minor disbelief.  If you told me all this when I was 18, I never would have believed it.

I had been planning on doing something special for the 100th post, like throwing a walrus party or something.  But in order to do that, I would first have to find out what that means and then I would have to actually set it up.  Maybe for the 200th post.  I think I'm just gonna chill on the walrus party for now.

Today I went inside the Colosseum and the Forum with Ryan and Travis.

I would really like to write something wholly coherent and meaningful, but my mind itches whenever I try to concentrate and plan out my thoughts.  It's easier and more realistic to type the words as they take shape; unfortunately, this results in several quasi-paragraphs of incompletely intersecting ideas and aspirations.  And sometimes phrases that don't make sense, like several quasi-paragraphs of incompletely intersecting ideas and aspirations.  And repitition.  Also, walrus parties.

 Pamphili (Rome)

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