Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Minor Miner

So, it's been awhile since the last post.
Did you notice?
You didn't notice, did you?
It's been a little bit since you've been here, huh?
Well maybe you should read this a little more often then, buddy.
I hope you feel guilty.

On one of my earlier posts, I suggested that a harmonica part be inserted into "Casey Jones."

Now, it's on this website.
(You can verify it is mine because of the blog dates)


Zombie Hunters

If you haven't seen the Flash Delirium video, you should.

You should start a tradition or long-term experiment now.
Like right now I'm in the middle of a conversation with myself both forwards and backwards in time.

Goal: Listen to a band's entire discography in chronological order.
Goal: Become a human lie detector.
Goal: Make a music video for "Travel On".

Put a webcam on the back of your laptop, so it looks like the screen isn’t there.

In New Jersey, incest is tolerated if both people are at least 18 years old.

Someone who is not prejudiced can see all of the possibilities.

"Catholic" comes from the Greek word "katholikos", meaning "universal".

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."

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