Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Creative Destruction

It was just one of those days
You know what I’m talking about

Think about it...

Wu-Tang Clan member RZA is cousins with GZA and the late Old Dirty Bastard.

Do visual artists ever “cover” other paintings, like musicians do with songs?

Rhyming was imported into English poetry after the Battle of Hastings in 1066, when the French entered England.  It’s strange to think that there was a time when rhyming did not exist in the English language.

TO DO:  Get a diagonally striped shirt.

Water vapor is lighter than air.

The words hyperbola and hyperbole are both derived from a Greek word meaning “over-thrown” or “excessive.”

I want to be a biographer for someone who is not famous.  It would have to pay really well, though.

Discombobulate is useful word when writing iambic poetry.

I wonder if any balding men have become Jewish in order to wear a yarmulke to cover their bald spot.

Microsoft Word doesn’t recognize “unamused” as a word.

If you hold the left arrow key while watching most Youtube videos, you can play Snake.

Strawberry is a member of the “Big Three” ice cream flavors (the other two, of course, being the Neapolitan brothers, chocolate and vanilla).  Why is strawberry ice cream so much more popular than blueberry or raspberry?

Page margins are inefficient.  In the future they will not exist.

I sometimes wish that I didn’t speak English.  Or any language for that matter.  Language by nature shapes thought.  Only when we transcend language can we begin to have more (relatively) meaningful ideas.  Of course, they become much harder to communicate.

How do you become qualified to teach graduate school?

Being the word "allegedly" would suck.  It's always used in relation to crime or unethical behavior, and the legal politics involved.  I'd rather be the word "unicorn."  "Spiral" would be cool also.

It’s weird how all countries have a flag.  You would think that out of (approx.) 200 countries that exist, at least one of them would dare to be different.  FUN FACT:  No country has an official fragrance.

“No one’s gonna tell you when to smile so be happy all the time.”

“Should I kill myself or have a cup of coffee?”

“I go hard or I go home.  Most of the time I go home, but sometimes I go really hard.  I swear.”

“Everyone’s a little queer.  Why can’t she be a little straight?”

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