Tuesday, April 12, 2011


My parents were both from Jewish families. I was not brought up Jewish in any religious way. My circumcision was as Jewish as they got. I used to go to Roman Catholic church with my friends, and when I was 11, I got baptized in a Church of Christ in Hicksville. I’m a cultural Jew. I like the Lower East Side humor, the food. I think the Yiddish language is terrifically expressive. Does that make me a complete Jew or a partial Jew? I’m not really sure.

-Billy Joel

The RZA, The GZA, Investah Deck

How many milkmen started their career as paperboys?  Is there some sort of promotional process there?  And is milk more difficult to deliver than paper?  You have to be an adult to deliver milk.  I remember getting milk delivered to my house as a kid.  That’s a memory that already seems antiquated.

Right now, there is probably a screenplay called “Development Hell” that is in development hell.

So what exactly can someone do if they find out my social security number?

Seeing Eye Dog is a registered trademark.

If you have ever held the door open for an old lady, you have behaved as a utilitarian.

I recently had a dream inside of a dream inside of a dream inside of a dream.  I kept waking up thinking “I can’t believe I didn’t realize that I was dreaming.”  When I finally got out of bed, I made sure to check the light switch.

Am I currently talking to you or talking about talking to you?

No one likes the sound of their voice when they listen to a recording of it.

Sand forms in two places:  the sea and the desert.  One is uncommonly wet and the other is uncommonly dry.  I think we can conclude that sand forms independent of moisture.

Four times as many males commit suicide.  Two times as many females attempt suicide.

What would a traditional Catholic do if her husband converted to Judaism?  Stay married to a Jew or get divorced?

Beating Consciousness Back Down to Size

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