Wednesday, October 12, 2011

In the Steady Blur of the Days

from 11th Chorus, Desolation Blues by Jack Kerouac

“I have been empowered
to lay my hand
On your shoulder
and remind you
That you are utterly free,
Free as empty space.
Explode & go,
I won’t say nothin,
neither this rock,
And my outhouse doesnt care,
And I got no body”

I just realized that I always eat pop-tarts without toasting them because I’m too lazy to put them in the toaster.  I am actually too lazy for pop-tarts.

The Pledge of Allegiance pledges allegiance “to the flag and the republic for which it stands.”  “To the flag and the republic.”  In addition to the republic, we are also pledging allegiance to the flag.  Why would we pledge allegiance to a flag in and of itself? 

If public nudity became socially acceptable, the Gap would be screwed.

Create a bumper sticker that says “back up, please.”

The mousetrap is the most frequently invented product in US history.

“Nothing lives which would be worthy
of your striving, and the earth deserves
not a sigh.
Pain and boredom is our being and the
world is excrement,
                                —nothing else.
Calm yourself.”

-Giacomo Leopardi

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