Sunday, June 24, 2012

Credo Quia Absurdum

“A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.”

                -Friedrich Nietzsche

“Last morning” isn’t really a phrase.

Have you read the Starr Report?

Presumably clergymen pass beggars on the street and don’t give money to all of them.  I wonder how they internally rationalize this.

Existentialism is a humanism only by way of individualism.

There is no record of when people first started wearing hats.

There was a kid that read my mind and knew all my thoughts.  I woke up and realized that it was all in my head.  Then, I went back to sleep.

How do you clean bar soap when it gets dirty?

There should be a gender-neutral pronoun.  

In 1992, a study by Stack and Gundlach found a positive correlation between the amount of radio airtime devoted to country music and the white suicide rate.

The speed of light is exactly 299,792,458 meters per second.

Reading:            Breaking the Spell by Daniel Dennett
Listening to:     On Avery Island by Neutral Milk Hotel
Watching:                                Arrested Development
Eating:      Sesame noodles with chicken and broccoli

Friday, June 1, 2012

Tantric Architecture

“Heaven is only three feet above your head.”
                -Chinese Proverb

It's His Show

When people tell me that I’m funny, I always become conscious of the fact that they think I’m funny and I feel pressure to remain funny.  This usually results in me trying to force funny, which never works.

Every time you forget something, someone else thinks of it.

Has anyone asked you this question before?

I couldn’t even give a vague figure as to how often I get déjà vu, but it seems to happen on a consistent basis.  Recently I’ve been getting déjà vu in which I’ve gotten déjà vu before.  It’s creepy.

Mustaches are bizarre from an evolutionary point of view.  Then again, so are picture frames, ferris wheels, and most other things.

I use the word “therefore” way more in academic papers than in everyday speech.

Advertisers don’t lie, they create truth

When you memorize something, you know it “by heart.”  Doesn’t “by head” make more sense?

Sometimes when I’m picking out what underwear I’m going to wear for the day, I’ll change my mind last minute and pretend that this decision will change the rest of my life.

“It’s been real.”
“Nothing’s real.  Remember last night?”