Monday, May 10, 2010

A Stranger Stranger

Sidewalk, sidewalk, sidewalk
Don’t step on the cracks.

Sidewalk, sidewalk, sidewalk
Don’t step on the cracks.

Shoes, shorts, sunglasses
Sidewalk, sidewalk, sidewalk
Shoes, shorts, pupils

Sidewalk, sidewalk, sidewalk
Don’t step on the cracks.

Buddha taught his followers not to believe in luck.

When Ethan asked Phil on a date, he got anal.

Agoraphobia is the fear of public places. What is the name for the fear of Greek agoras?

The Spanish word “adios” comes from the phrase “A Dios vais.” This translates to “You’re going to God,” which appears in Don Quixote.

In West Virginia it is illegal to marry your first cousin. In Maryland and New Jersey, it isn’t.

Where do hamsters roam wild?

Occasionally when I type something into Google, I’ll minimize the tab without reading the results, just to build anticipation.

If it doesn't have a Wikipedia page, it doesn't exist.

What is the most important text message you have ever received?

I haven't heard the word "dowel" in awhile.

When citing God as a model for behavior, people tend to interpret God’s wishes as their own.

Information, misinformation, and disinformation

“Your capital letters keep me asking for more.”

"I wish people would spend as much time on their marriages as they would on their weddings."

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