Sunday, June 6, 2010

Cool Hand Luke Warm

Day to day I count away
Monotonous menagerie

Cannibal Hippos?

The term “spelunking” traditionally referred to the scientific study of caves.  It was brought back in the 1940s due to the funny sound of the word.  Serious cave explorers prefer to be called “cavers.”

Create kitchen cabinets that play different music notes when opened.

“Rx” (as found on prescriptions) originally was an abbreviation from the Latin word recipe meaning “take.”

You should be able to put italics in a text message.

Thirst is a poor indicator of dehydration.

I think Alex Trebek was going to retire but Bob Barker beat him to the punch.  Alex is a pretty vain guy, so he didn't want his retirement to be cast in the shadows by Bob.  Be on the lookout for Alex to retire after another season or two of Jeopardy.

You are reading my past thoughts.  I've already thought what you are now thinking.

“Do no harm” doesn’t appear in the Hippocratic Oath.  Also, the original Hippocratic Oath included swearing  to various Greek gods.

Search “Indie Rock Love Songs” in the iTunes store and read the description.

Guess the Group (by its mission statement)
"To represent the convenience and petroleum retailing industry and to provide the knowledge, connections, and advocacy necessary to assist our members in maximizing their effectiveness and profitability."

It costs 1.7 cents to make a penny.

"Am I really all the things that are outside of me?"

Gay Catholic Forum

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