Saturday, June 12, 2010

Summer Daze

The Quietest Place in the World

There should be a common app for jobs in a specific field or pay-range.

A devout Christian cannot be a Marine in good conscience.  By their motto, they are proud.  Pride is one of the seven deadly sins.

Ants can play football on a ruler.

What channel do new TVs tune to when they’re first turned on?

In Microsoft Word, a red squiggle means that a word is spelled incorrectly and a green squiggle means that there is a grammatical error.  Why do repeated words get a red squiggle?  And how come sometimes it takes awhile for the program to recognize an error?  It’s like the computer is thinking.

Pick any number.  Multiply it by 1.5.  Subtract 1/3 of what you have now.  You are back where you started.

Mint chocolate chip ice cream is usually white when it is made, but is often died green to make it more aesthetically pleasing.

Employers should secretly time how long it takes prospective employees to fill out the online resume and consider this when deciding who to hire.

Can you call yourself humble?

While reading a book (unlike a movie), you can physically see and feel how much longer it is. 

The black box in an airplane is actually orange so it can be found more easily.

I like that little shift as you fall back slightly when you come to a complete stop in your car. 

Can you be arrested for disturbing the peace in a war zone?

TRIVIA:  What English word begins and ends with “und?”  The answer can be found online if you give up.

Is it a coincidence that sublime and subliminal sound similar?

“It’s the spaces between life that I like the most.”

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