Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Metaleptic Pataphor

Ethnocentrism is the idea that people tend to believe that their personal culture is is the standard against which all is measured.  This concept is implicitly cultivated in the minds of children as they grow up.  It seems that people are naturally hard-wired to perceive the world from a single point of view, and do not try to consider the fact that different folks in different parts of the world in different cultures share different ideals and have different behaviors.

A blind man listens very closely to his surroundings, while a deaf man treasures his sight.  A bat uses sonar to detect where prey may be, while an insect waves its antennae around.  Children in wealthy neighborhoods play tennis, while their peers in the inner city play basketball.  My point is that various groups of people share various customs and have varied values.  This leads to completely eclectic world views.

Because there are so many different personal philosophies, reasons for existence, lists of ideals, etc., it doesn't make sense to hold everyone accountable for the same universal list of values.  Specifically, I am referring any type of law, regulation, rule, or religion that is imposed on a group of people.  I understand that "without any laws, the world would be chaotic."  However, at least in theory, there is no reason why a governing body should determine what someone else can and cannot do.  But I digress...

The maximum penalty for threatening a US judge is 10 years imprisonment.  That is double the maximum penalty for threatening a US president.

Is there a really a big difference between a virus that effects humans and one that effects computers?

Bluetooth devices are named after Harald “Bluetooth” Gormsson, a king of Denmark.  This is evident by the Bluetooth logo, which contains the Nordic symbols for “H.B.”

Bowling is definitely one of the lamest sports.  It is a stretch to say that it involves competition, as your actions are never based on the actions of your competitor.  On every turn, your strategy is identical:  knock as many pins down as possible.  Once you figure out how to bowl a strike, repetition of this action will eventually cause it to become part of your muscle memory.  There is slightly more physical activity than, say, golf, but significantly less than almost any other sport.  Also, most professional bowlers look like cops.

Only the phone numbers 555-0100 through 555-0199 are currently reserved for fictional use.  Other 555 numbers may be actual phone numbers.

With the advent of synthetic opiates, heroin has become passé.  It died out in the 90s with Kurt Cobain.

“Tongue,” “dish,” and “Broadway” are all metonyms.  Can you figure out what a metonym is? 

I hate when, at concerts, the lead singer points the microphone at the crowd instead of singing the lines himself.  I came here to see you perform.  I can hear myself sing in the shower whenever I want.

Bananas are berries.

The beginning of “Sleepyhead” by Passion Pit features a sample from a Jack Kerouac spoken word album. (0:24 into the video)

The United States does not have an official language.


“Put your hands down, bitch.  I ain’t gonna shoot you.  I’ma pull you to this bullet and put it through you.”

“Curiosity killed the cat but for awhile I was a suspect.”

“The search for connections is the search for connectedness.”

Dir. by Spike Jonze

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