Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Travel On

Riddle Time
Read this quickly one time, and try to answer the question that follows:

Dexter's father's son is his brother and his uncle.  How?
The answer appears below the video.

Riddle Answer: 
Dexter is Catholic. His Pastor (AKA father) is his grandfather.  His uncle was in his fraternity, so they are frat brothers. Oh, come on. It’s not that far-fetched!

“Ask yourself why totalitarian dictatorships find it necessary to pour money and effort into propaganda for their own helpless, chained, gagged slaves, who have no means of protest or defense. The answer is that even the humblest peasant or the lowest savage would rise in blind rebellion, were he to realize that he is being immolated, not to some incomprehensible "noble purpose," but to plain, naked human evil.”

Riddle Time
Read this quickly one time, and try to answer the question that follows:

Jake and his 8 friends go down to the subway and take the 4 train to Murphy’s bakery.  After looking at the 12 types of cookies, they decide to get a box of chocolate chocolate chip.  If 72 come in a box, how many cookies do each of the friends get?
The answer appears below the video.

Riddle Answer: 8 (There are 9 friends, including Jake)

What does Brian Eno think of Brian Eno

GPS’s should show the speed limit of the road you are driving on.

The “close” buttons in elevators only work with a key.

For the most part, every event in a work of fiction contributes directly to either plot or character development.  This makes sense, but is somewhat unrealistic.

The average yawn lasts about six seconds.

Is “aquaria” the plural form of “aquarium?”

There should be an iPod feature that allows listeners to pause a playlist, listen to a different song, and go back to the playlist where it was left off.

Practically every insurance company claims that “people who switched saved an average of ___ hundred dollars.”  Keep in mind that almost everyone that makes an educated decision to switch from one insurance company to another is doing so to save money.  Nobody switches to lose money.

Did you yawn at all yet?  I put in a yawn picture and a yawn fact to try to induce yawning.

Kathy Bates and Andrew from MGMT went to the same high school.

Puma and Adidas were created by brothers Rudolph and Adi Dassler, respectively.  They were both members of the Nazi Party. 

Why is the west coast hotter than the east coast? 

The numbers on a roulette wheel add up to 666.

If you didn't yawn already, have you yawned by now?  Did you yawn twice?  If not, try to get someone to yawn by yawning loudly near them.  Or get a job.

1 comment:

  1. My GPS yells at me when I speed, but never tells me the speed limit.
