Tuesday, January 17, 2012


-Bukowski's epitaph

We can never really know what it felt like to be alive a couple hundred years ago; we can only make inferences based on available artifacts, like texts and photographs.  In the future, people will have a much better understanding of what it is like to live in this time period.  

Our society spends increasingly enormous amounts of time inputting information online.  This data creates a sketch of our thought processes and thus, who we are.  Think about the last few things you typed into Google, or your most recent tweet.  The internet is collecting unbelievable amounts of information, all the time.  

I’m not sure exactly how future humans will be impacted by the accessibility of historical data, but it will certainly allow them to become more in tune with the human culture as it evolves.

Guess what the colors represent (answer below)

“Can I ask you a question?” means “I’m going to ask you an uncomfortable question.”

I have trouble cutting my fingernails because they fly everywhere, instead of falling straight into the trash can.  There should be some kind of mechanism that solves this problem.

I don’t know anything.  Or, more precisely, I don’t know whether or not I know anything, or can know anything.  I am enslaved by my ignorance, I think.   

RFD:  Lauryn Hill and Zach Braff went to the same high school.  Apparently everyone really liked Lauryn, but Zach was kind of a jerk.  And Lauryn went to Zach’s Bar Mitzvah.

The starving African children don’t give a shit whether or not you finish your vegetables.

Tattoos?  I can barely commit to a haircut.  

Z e n t i p:  Spend the first and last 5 minutes of every day meditating.

The more I learn, the more wonderful things become

The graphic above shows which side of the road countries drive on.  Red is right, blue is left.  What did you think it was?

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