Sunday, January 27, 2013


"The free realization of human truth is everywhere in all desires." 

I know this one...

When I was a kid, I had no idea that residents of a municipality pay for waste collection via taxes.  Similarly, I was unaware of the fact that businesses and individuals may hire waste management firms to haul away their trash if necessary.  Signs proclaiming dumpsters as “private” were baffling to me as a child because, as far as I knew, dumpsters were (by definition) communal.  I assumed that trash just kind of gets taken care of and disappears, and I never pressed the issue.  

A sundae is an ice cream salad.

To Do:  Watch one of the shows where the chubby guy goes to different places and gets really enthusiastic about the local cuisine, while I’m eating the same stuff that he is.

If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go?

Everyone is weird once you get to know them.

The primary function of listening to music, reading, and watching movies is to see where my thoughts will take me.  There is no intrinsic artistic value.

I haven't encountered a racist protagonist who remains racist throughout the work.  If she is racist, it is only so that she may overcome her racism and therefore grow as a character.  

First World Anarchists

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