Tuesday, April 13, 2010

White Sidewalks With Halogen

Whenever I don’t do the reading assignment for a class, I always use the “speak first” gimmick, and I suggest you do the same. The first opportunity you get to answer a question or give your input, take advantage of it. Even if you have no idea what the “correct” answer is, use your creative license to interpret the question so that you can give a vague and acceptable answer (see
Forer effect).

For example, if you are reading Descartes’s “Discourse on Method” and your teacher asks whether or not cogito ergo sum is valid, feel free to immediately reply, “Well, in my opinion, Descartes uses implicit reasoning in order to try to prove a point that has already been muted by the earlier works of Plato and Aristotle. He eschews establishing a logical argument in favor of appealing to the reader’s emotions.”

Is this even remotely true? Beats me. Most likely, your teacher will appreciate the references of other philosophers, and there is no way to argue against the fact that someone is “appealing to the reader’s emotions.” It’s your opinion, and opinions are never wrong.

She was the type of girl that would choose salad over soup.

Caffeine is ridiculous right now.


You can get 2000 plastic bags for $36.10

Nihilism is like poetry; nothing more, nothing less.

I’m only passive-aggressive when it comes to the air conditioning in my dorm room.

I wonder what music the musicians I listen to, listen to.

Hydras and certain jellyfish have "biological immortality" meaning that they can theoretically live forever. There are some life extensionists that hope humans will one day be able to live indefinitely.

What language is the most comprehensive (is capable of expressing ideas the best)? Also, what does English sound like to non-English speakers?

“Papercut” by Linkin Park has a hot beat.

There's a Wikipedia page for "bromance."

Record a cover of a song, where the vocals are replicated with instruments, and the instruments are replicated with vocals. (“The Great Gig In The Sky”)?


“Hey, you guys wanna make a power ballad?!”

“It tastes like you’re drinking a Christmas tree.”

“It makes me sound like I’m Aretha Franklin on a big-ass stage.”

“I sing in a style known as vocal ejaculation. I’m just spittin’ out those words.”

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