Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Psychosemantic Analyticity


Wondering:  If science is preferable to mysticism
Listening to:  "A Ghost is Born" by Wilco
Reading:  "The Psychedelic Experience" by Watts
Working on:  How to market coconut water


When I was a kid, I met the couple that introduced my parents for the first time decades ago.  Not sure that I fully grasped the importance of this until just now.  I would love to speak with these two and ask them, “Do you realize that if it wasn’t for you deciding to set my parents up, I wouldn’t exist?”

What would happen if you tried to break into a jail?

I like the word “triangulate.”

Read the thing I wrote at the end about Facebook (back in February).  I predicted it!

If you’re looking for the best search engine optimization company, simply type “search engine optimization” in Google and choose the first company that’s listed.

The “missed connections” section on Craigslist is an inspiration mine for fiction writers.

Everyone has a belief system and there is no way to determine which is valid, or more valid than another.  We are all confined to a worldview and in order to evaluate these, we must first step outside of them entirely.  And if we do that, we are not in any position to make sense of much at all.

Useless rhymes:  complicated/constipated, ontologist/oncologist

I want to start an American flag company that gets so big that it knocks out its competition.  A monopoly on patriotism.

What’s the term for the study of races?

Daniel Radcliffe pretty much has to dress up as Harry Potter for Halloween.


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